September 2014. See product details for the table of contents.
Illus., pp. 96, paperback, Henry Williamson Society, 2014
Witness to War: An Examination of HW's 'Reality in War Literature', Anne Williamson
'John Dandelion', John Gregory / Henry Williamson
Nature, Red in Tooth and Claw, Peter Bunten
The Studio, Home of Owls, Harry Williamson
The Lost Countryside of Henry Williamson, John Akeroyd
Some Thoughts on The Beautiful Years, Anne Williamson
Henry Williamson and Ted Hughes: A Literary Contrast, Yvonne Reddick
Hunted by War, Gordon Watkins
. . . And the view from 2014, Michael Coultas
HW Epigraphs: J. P. Stern, Dennis Childs
One of 60,000, Ted Wood