The very first number of the Journal, published in July 1980, just two months after the inaugural meeting of the Society, consisted of a slim 18-page A5 booklet. It soon expanded into a robust Society Journal averaging around 56 pages per issue with the cover designed by Peter Rothwell. The last issue in this format, No. 30, appeared in September 1994 (an exception was a special A4-sized issue in September 1987 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the publication of Tarka the Otter). The Journal was redesigned in a new, larger format in 1995, with the cover designed by Mick Loates.
The Table of Contents for each issue is listed below. Authors and titles are also listed within the Research Centre indexes. Updating the indexes is an ongoing task; while the author index is kept current, the title index, with short abstracts, currently contains the material from Journals nos. 1–38 and Newsletters nos. 1–7, and will likely not be updated further.
Use the number links to jump down to the Journal contents you wish to view; or scroll down.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
ISSUE No. 30,
September 1994
The 'Weather-vane Soul' of Henry Williamson, Fred D. Crawford
The Centenary Journal
The Worcester Park Jelly Dogs, Barry Kitts
Reviews under Review: Dandelion Days, Peter Robins
Dandelion Days: sample pages of corrections
A Postscript to The Beautiful Years, Peter Lewis
Letters to Brian Busby, Margaret White
The Norfolk Weekend, Richard Williamson
Artistic Friendships, Jean Goodman
A Riotous Artist, Henry Williamson
ISSUE No. 29,
March 1994
Henry Williamson and the BBC, John Gregory
'The Old Pond': An Introduction, Brian Fullagar
'The Old Pond': original manuscript, Henry Williamson
The Georgeham Village Hall Sign Incident, Lois Lamplugh
St. George of Georgeham, Daily Express 'Special Correspondent'
A Winter's Tale, Peter Lewis
Reviews under Review: The Beautiful Years, Peter Robins
ISSUE No. 28,
September 1993
The Phoenix and the Turtle, William Shakespeare
The Genius of Friendship: Part II, Anne Williamson
Dear Friend of Le Lavandou, Henry Williamson
Henry Williamson, Alister Kershaw
Adventure Lit His Star, Peter K. Robins
The Folkestone Connection, Ronald Walker
A Shaft of Ancient Sunlight, Jim Sloan
ISSUE No. 27,
March 1993
The Honour of Life, Ronald Walker
The Genius of Friendship: Part I, Anne Williamson
The Society Tour to the Ypres Salient
A Phoenix of the Salient, Brian Fullagar
Armistice Day 1928, Henry Williamson
And This Was Ypres, John Gregory
Chairman's Address
ISSUE No. 26,
September 1992
The Influence of Richard Jefferies upon Henry Williamson, Part II, Dr J. W. Blench
(link to first part; second part)
The Hawthornden Prize, Peter Lewis
Secretary's Notes
Meetings & Ox's Crossword Solution (plus Mystery Quotation)
ISSUE No. 25,
March 1992
The Influence of Richard Jefferies upon Henry Williamson, Part I, Dr J. W. Blench
A Ballad of Spring, Peter K. Robins
An Exercise in Trail Guiding, Barry Kitts
Forty Years in Wild Devon, Noel Beer
Leaning on Hardy's Gate, Ronald Walker
The Difficulties of Rural Writing, Henry Williamson
Norfolk Farming Links, Lois Lamplugh
The Margaret Clarke Memorial Award
More Memories of Henry Williamson, Guy Kerr-Priest
Secretary's Notes
Cerebral Calibration
ISSUE No. 24,
September 1991
What Time in Mists Confounds, Brian Fullagar
Willie Maddison's Epitaph for Mary Ogilvy, Lois Lamplugh
Shedding Light on Crow Point, Peter Lewis
Considering Folkestone, Fred Shepherd
A Day Out in Brockley, Pat Murphy
South Devon Days from The Innocent Moon, Mick Loates
Secretary's Notes
Publicity Matters, Anne Williamson
The Dreamer of Devon, Anne Williamson
Brainteaser Quiz, Phillip D. Melling
ISSUE No. 23,
March 1991
A Message from the Chairman
Henry Williamson and the Battles of the Somme, Brian Fullagar
Sombre Summer Days on the Somme, John Gregory
The Constancy of Hetty, Olive Smith
The Shallowford Scene, Lois Lamplugh
The Gift, Brian Wake
For the Record, Peter K. Robins
The Grand Surprize, Peter Lewis
The (Silver) Eagle has Landed, Richard Williamson
From the Back of a Picture, Fred Shepherd
Secretary's Notes
ISSUE No. 22,
September 1990
Henry's Owls, Peter Lewis
Lucy: A Woman's Eye View, Margaret White
Henry Williamson's Contributions to Mosley's Action, Alan Dilnot
How Good is Tarka the Otter as Literature? Dr. J. W. Blench
Cranmere Pool, Anne Williamson
Searching for a Picture, John Christian
Flossie Flowers Revealed?, John Homan
The Daily Trident, Peter Lewis
On the Back Cover, Fred Shepherd
The Real Peter Raleigh, Lois Lamplugh
Secretary's Notes
Spring in Devon, Paul Reed
Mastermind Challenge
ISSUE No. 21,
March 1990
Some Thoughts on Class in the Novels of Henry Williamson, David Hoyle
A Correspondence, George Porter
The Perfect Stranger, Douglas Jordan
A Chronicle Character, Fred Shepherd
More Comments on Nature Writing, John Homan
The Bond That Must Never be Broken, Paul Reed
Secretary's Notes
Kathleen Walker: An Appreciation, Will Harris
The Tarka Project, Nicola Oliver
Fellow Societies, Brian Fullagar
ISSUE No. 20,
September 1989
Henry Williamson's The Flax of Dream: A Reappraisal, Dr J. W. Blench
(link to first part; second part)
Advertisement for The Pathway, May 26 1929
Works of Henry Williamson, Helen E. Haines
The Flax Dreamer (photos)
The Amazing Storm that Attended The Pathway in the USA
The Flax of Dream: Some Bibliographical Notes, John Homan
More from Dandelion Days, Fred Shepherd
Secretary's Notes, John Homan
A Tribute to Patrick Frank Osborne, Brian Fullagar
ISSUE No. 19,
March 1989
Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig: An Appreciation, John Terraine
Thoughts on Reading Dan Farson's Henry: An Appreciation, Sally Elliott
En Passant, Fred Shepherd
One of the Seventeen, John Homan
Print offer
Reflections of a Brother, Fr Brocard Sewell
A Souvenir, Peter K. Robins
The Apprenticeship of a Novelist, Part III, Dr J. W. Blench
Tailcorn, Michael Bennett
Secretary's Notes, John Homan
ISSUE No. 18,
September 1988
Dulce et decorum est, John Homan
Battlefields Tour, April 1987, Brian Fullagar
Henry Williamson and the Kaiserschlacht, Paul Reed
Edward Thomas Exhibition, Paul Reed
Road to the Somme: personal journal and sketches, Margaret White
Ten Years' Remembrance, Henry Williamson
The 286th Machine Gun Company, Peter Cole
The Zeppelin Raid, Joan Reed
The Apprenticeship of a Novelist: Part II, Dr J. W. Blench
Secretary's Notes, John Homan
Publicity Report, Tim Osborne
Woburn, 7–8 May 1988, Kenneth Syme
ISSUE No. 17,
March 1988
The Apprenticeship of a Novelist: Part I, Dr J. W. Blench
Farm Days, Peter Robins
I Have Sold My Norfolk Farm, Henry Williamson
James Farrar: An Important Postscript, Daphne Odin-Pearse
Notes on Days of Wonder, John Gregory
Walter Wilkinson, June Emerson
Bedfordshire in the Writings of HWW, Dr J. Wheatley Blench
The Aylesford Press, David Ashton
Secretary's Notes, John Homan
ISSUE No. 16,
September 1987

From Manuscript to Printed Edition, Dr Terence Jones
A Bibliographical History, John Homan
Tarka: The Wonder and the One-ness, Bryan Wake
Recollections of Tarka First Editions, Stephen Francis Clarke
Tarka's Route, Anne Williamson
A Note on the 'Falcon' maps, Anne Williamson
The Falcon Maps
The Tarka Trail Project, Dr Graham Wills
Carving the Otter, Jack Whitehead
Tarka Country Revisited, Trevor Beer
The Making of the Film Tarka, David Cobham
The Ornithology of Tarka the Otter, Tim Osborne
Some Leaves from HW's Own Scrapbook
Secretary's Notes, John Homan
Publicity Report, Tim Osborne
Spring Meeting, Robert Tierney
Mystery Quotation
ISSUE No. 15,
March 1987
Chairman's Notes
Places and Associations in Young Phillip Maddison, Robert Tierney
Henry Williamson and Wilfrid Meynell, Fr Brocard Sewell
The Snake Bird, Henry Williamson
A Fragment, Brian Sanders
Reader on the Coast, John Millar
Life with Father, Robert Williamson
Secretary's Notes, John Homan
Book Review
ISSUE No. 14,
September 1986
The London Highlanders, Peter Cole
Henry Williamson, Today and Yesterday, Stephen Cullen
'Best Man': A Tribute to Richard de la Mare, Peter K. Robins
Bird of Mystery, Henry Williamson
The Ox in Gaultshire, May 1986, Tim Morley
A Reader on the Coast, 3, John Millar
Richard Jefferies in Eltham, Fred Shepherd
Publicity Officer's Report, June 1986, Timothy Osborne
Secretary's Notes, John Homan
Books, A.W.
ISSUE No. 13,
March 1986
Henry Williamson and 'The Aylesford Review', Brocard Sewell
Between The Flax and the Chronicle, Dennis McWilliams
A Review of The Starborn, Frank Kendon
A Reader on the Coast, 2, John Millar
Some Recollections of a Barnstaple Boyhood, Peter Gillard
In Defence of Creative Genius, Michael Loates
Secretary's Notes
ISSUE No. 12,
September 1985
One Satisfied Customer, Eric Starr
The Dream of Fair Men, Peter K. Robins
The Literary Qualities of Henry Williamson's Writings set in Norfolk, Dr J. W. Blench
A Reader on the Coast, John Millar
Living in Georgeham, David Stokes
Norfolk Weekend
Secretary's Notes
ISSUE No. 11,
April 1985
Hermit of Ox's Cross, Maurice Wiggin
The Last Summer, Henry Williamson
Why I Think Henry Williamson is Still Worth Reading, David Hoyle
A Reply to Richard Russell, Stephen Cullen
The True Story of Broncho Bill, W. R. Ludlow
'Beachcomber' Rediscovered, John Homan
A Nature-lover's Notebook, Henry Williamson
One Man's Putsborough, 1984, Ronald Walker
Secretary's Notes, News of Books and a Historical Book Review
ISSUE No. 10,
October 1984
The Green Desert, Henry Williamson
Henry Williamson, Malcolm Elwin
The Power of the Dead, E. J. Rogers
Jacob Tonson and the Rehabilitation of Henry Williamson, Alan Dilnot
Henry Williamson and the B.U.F., Peter K. Robins
A Visit to Henry Williamson, Ann Thomas
Lewisham 1984, Brian Fullagar
Choosing the First Eleven, Fred Shepherd
Secretary's Notes
Publicity Report, Tim Osborne
ISSUE No. 9,
March 1984
In Honour of Henry, Richard Williamson
The Confessions of a Fake Merchant, Pt II, Henry Williamson
Henry Williamson and the Generation of 1914, Nigel Jones
A Tribute to Frances Horovitz, Fr Brocard Sewell
Henry Williamson in Conversation with Kenneth Allsop
An Afternoon in 1968, Don Cook
The German 'Beautiful Years', Horst A. Reschke
A School Prize, Peter M. Heinecke
Book Reviews
Secretary's Notes
ISSUE No. 8,
October 1983
The Confessions of a Fake Merchant, Pt I, Henry Williamson
One Man's Williamson, Bryan Wake
Will the Real Literary Heritage Please Stand Up?, Richard Russell
The Incalculable Hour, Dr J. W. Blench
Henry Williamson, Broadcaster, Valerie R. Belsey
The Silver Eagle, Richard Williamson and Linda Pearce
More Memories of Henry Williamson, Guy Priest
At the Grave of Henry Williamson, Ronald Walker
Book Reviews
Secretary's Notes
ISSUE No. 7,
May 1983
Out of the Prisoning Tower, Henry Williamson
The 'Victory Day' Chapters of The Dream of Fair Women, Ronald Walker
Tarka the Otter isn't dead . . ., Brian Carter
From a Book of Clippings . . .
Restoring the Writing Hut, Tony Evans
A Gaultshire Guide, Tom and Joan Skipper
Time to Forgive?, Ronald Walker
The Anna Cash Collection
Book Reviews
Secretary's Notes
ISSUE No. 6,
October 1982
Words on the West Wind, Henry Williamson
Further Memories of Henry Williamson, Guy Priest
The Estuary, Peter Rothwell
Georgeham, Kevin O'Keeffe
Henry Williamson's Bedfordshire Roots, Tom and Joan Skipper
From Dandelion Days, Fred Shepherd
Field Garden, Henry Williamson
Book Review
Secretary's Notes
ISSUE No. 5,
May 1982
'Lindenheim', John Glanfield
Henry Williamson, farmer, Ben Serjeant
Memories of Henry Williamson, Ronald Duncan
'The Aylesford Review', Fr Brocard Sewell
The Two Maddisons, George D. Painter
Extracts from 'The Colfeian', George Heath
The HWS Collection, David Hoyle
Book Review
Secretary's Notes
ISSUE No. 4,
November 1981
In the Monkey House, David Hoyle
Remembering Henry Williamson, Guy Priest
To the Fishponds and Back Again, John Gillis
A Stray Shaft of Ancient Sunlight, Ronald Walker
Henry Williamson at Stiffkey, Bernard Phillips
Secretary's Notes, John Homan
ISSUE No. 3,
May 1981
A First Meeting with Henry Williamson, John Gregory
Henry Williamson: The Early Chronicle and the Country and the City, Peter Brandon
The Politics of Henry Williamson, Diana Mosley
Photographs of Henry Williamson: The Daily Telegraph Magazine Colour Library, John Glanfield
Bibliographical Notes: The Brocard Sewell Collection, Stephen Francis Clarke
Society Archives at Exeter University Library, John Homan
Capital Transfer Tax and H.W. MSS, Richard Williamson
Book review
Sotheby's at Hodgson's Rooms, London, Stephen Francis Clarke
ISSUE No. 2,
October 1980
Secretary's Notes
The Maddisons and the Turneys, John Gillis
Henry Williamson and his Writings, Colin Wilson
The Doom of the Otter, E. V. Knox
Book Reviews
ISSUE No. 1,
July 1980

President's Notes
From the Chairman
Inaugural Meeting of the Society (3 May 1980)
Events since the Inaugural Meeting
From the Editor
First General Meeting, 1 November 1980