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HW's photographs from 1917 (208 MGC)
Draft book cover designs
HW agonised over the design of the front cover for Love and the Loveless; the task obviously held great significance for him. There is an extraordinary file of his own sketches for the cover design of this book (and some by his wife): thirteen pages of them over the best part of two weeks (24 June–4 July 1958). One wonders what Broome Lynne, the artist who designed the Chronicle covers, made of it all, but he certainly took on board the main concept. That handclasp is of two males – two soldiers. It gives emphasis to the concept of 'love and the loveless' as being about the comradeship of soldiers (perhaps also representing the opposing armies); and NOT Phillip's grieving for the dead Lily.
The designs were lettered in order by HW, and a selection is shown below:
(Regarding HW's note to 'O' above, 'Sonia' became 'Sasha' in the published book.)
James Broom-Lynne's cover design is below. HW, somewhat unfairly – for it is a striking cover – noted on the dustwrapper of his own copy, 'Too insensitive. The Soviet-tractor statistics factory comrades clasp in concrete.'
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HW's photographs from 1917 (208 MGC)